NSSN announces Mining and Smart Places as new Grand Challenges

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The NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) has announced mining, and smart places and buildings as new NSSN Grand Challenges eligible for funding under the Network's upcoming round of NSSN Grand Challenges Fund. 

Ageing, bushfires, COVID-19 and water were announced as NSSN Grand Challenges in 2020. Three projects were funded under the first round of the NSSN Grand Challenges Fund in 2021.

Image: Shutterstock

The NSSN Grand Challenges respond to some of the most gripping challenges of our time. Complex challenges that are critical to our environment, health, economy and society and which demand innovative solutions that will impact future generations.

The Grand Challenges have been selected for the critical role smart sensing can play in responding to the issue and where technological innovation holds the promise to change the game. They have also been selected for the NSSN's unique ability to mobilise the world-class R&D capability across our member universities in partnership with industry and government for practical, impactful outcomes.

Each grand challenge is led by NSSN Research Theme Leaders who are experts in their respective fields and provide consultations to research and industry partners. NSSN MedTech Theme Leader, Ms Jane Evans, leads ageing and COVID-19; NSSN Environment and AgTech Theme Leader, Dr Tomonori Hu, leads the bushfires and water themes, Mr Peter Runcie leads the smart places and buildings grand challenges. The mining theme is led by NSSN Industrial Futures Theme Leader, Dr Don McCallum.

The concept of the NSSN Grand Challenges was devised in late 2019, and the program was developed throughout 2020 in collaboration with NSSN members as well as government and industry partners.

The two new NSSN Grand Challenges were launched at the NSSN Sensing and Climate Change Roundtable on 28 October 2021. 

Hosted by the NSSN in the lead up to the UN COP26 Glasgow summit, the event brought together NSSN Ambassadors with leading climate change researchers from across the Network's universities. The online event explored the role of smart sensing in responding to the global next zero agenda, and more locally, the NSW Net Zero Plan.

The roundtable's theme overlapped significantly with four of NSSN Grand Challenges, including bushfires, smart places and buildings, mining and water. The event was designed with a focus on delivering impact across six of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A recording of the NSSN Sensing and Climate Change Roundtable is available here.

To learn more about NSSN Grand Challenges, please click here.

Media contact: Shahrzad (Zad) Abbasi - 0466 548 145

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