Dr Zhitao Xiong

Data & Built Environment Theme Leader

Dr Zhitao Xiong leads NSSN’s research themes in Data and Built Environment, with a focus on advancing smart sensing innovation in smart cities, transportation and IoT platforms. He is also looking after projects and partners relating to data and Artificial Intelligence.

Zhitao has a PhD in Transport Studies from the University of Leeds, UK and B.E. & M.E. in Control Engineering from the Beijing Institute of Technology.

He has a deep understanding of sensing data and its utilisation through knowledge representation and reasoning as well as behavioural analysis based on human-in-the-loop data collected by simulators, autonomous vehicles and mobile devices, to name a few. He is not only a data consumer that carries out insightful data analysis but also a data producer that collects big structured data from the very beginning.

Actively engaging with industry, government and academia, Zhitao is ambitious in promoting cutting-edge technologies, carrying out life-changing data analysis and delivering novel data-driven solutions.

Some of his work at NSSN include:

He is also leading the NSSN Data Working Group, a forum that exchanges resources among academia, industry and government with activities full of challenges and prizes. Want to be a sponsor or a participant? Please contact him for more details.

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